Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Experiment on discovering the space beyond

I took this kukri knife to my room as I wanted to use it for my project. I had just got into my room; I put my coat on the chair next to a mirror. I picked up the kukri knife, started slashing the air to try-out and measure the heavy weight of such a Knife as I was looking  at my reflection in the mirror, accidentally I slashed my coat leaving a big slash cut on the back.

I had successfully experimented Lucio Fontana's concept on discovering the space beyond the surface that is visible, in this case the visible surface was the dark violet fabric of the coat and the space discovered is the white cotton that lies beyond the visible surface.

The kukri knife was used by my granddad in a war. 
He was in Gurkha regiment at the time when this photo was taken. And the Kukri knife above was used by him.

Here is a photograph of my Granddad in 1962.

I have chosen this particular object for my project because Lucio Fontana have influenced me to explore ideas by experimenting using sharp objects such as this Kukri knife.

Lucio Fontana
Spatial concept, Waiting (1968)

Lucio Fontana  has introduced elements of time and spaces into art by slashing the canvas with a razor blade.
Fontana literally cut between the space occupied by the viewer, through the surface of the canvas, to the space that lies beyond.
Fontana saw this as meaningful experiment of infinity, and later claimed ‘I have created an infinite dimension’.

I figured out that my Granddad using the sharp Knife and Lucio Fontana publishing the Spatial Concept was around the same period of time.
I felt that this had a strong personal resonance for me and this fired me on...